
Showing posts with label low carb high fat LCHF. Show all posts
Showing posts with label low carb high fat LCHF. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Switch over to Low Carb foods

We ate Paleo for several years, and this past year we made switch over to Low Carb, High Fats way of eating.  Reason; well it seems we were gaining weight eating the Paleo way, and now I better understand why.  I was diagnosed with diabetes 2, and it scared me so I immediately went to the discipline of Keto diet for about 3 months with daily exercise to drop some pounds.  After the Keto way of eating (yuck!) added the low carb, high fat way of eating.  LCHF.   Made no sense after years of hearing that cheeses, eggs, nuts, oils were fattening, it was not easy to erase the feeling and begin eating more of these food groups.  Of course, doctor who diagnosed me had me on medication, Metformin.  I attribute that towards the effort.

Yet my husband, who is not diabetic, in support of my disciplines and efforts was also losing weight, slowly, yet significantly.  Both of us wish to keep the weight off.

There is no Sugar in our home.  None, and no breads or crackers or the like.  It took a few trials and errors, and with the glucose monitor, lots and lots of research into how to eat with diabetes ll, we learned what I could and could not eat.  He pretty much sticks with my eating plan.  He also walks with me as our exercise, we have step monitors to measure steps taken throughout the day.

I would like now to use this blog to save some of the recipes I continue to find.

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Sugar is definitely Un-Paleo

On Sugar

Honey ... I trust honey and honey works in every recipe I need sweetness ... molasses is from cane sugar ... not the same ... honey

Sugar is now 20 percent of the American diet, but it's not just our health that suffers from its pervasiveness. July 23, 2012, Alternet


" ...  how often do Americans think about where sugar actually comes from or the people who produce it? As a tropical crop, sugarcane cannot grow in most U.S. states. Most of us do not smell the foul odors coming from sugar refineries, look out over vast expanses of nothing but sugarcane, or speak to those who perform the hard labor required to grow and harvest sugarcane.
 Of course, sugar can be made from beets, a temperate crop, and more than half of sugar produced in the United States is. But globally, most of the story of sugar, past and present, centers around sugarcane, not beets, and as biofuels become more common, it is sugarcane that is cultivated for ethanol. What's more, some conscious eaters avoid beet sugar as most of it is now made from genetically modified sugar beets.While I do not fool myself that sugar is "healthy," if I am going to satisfy my sweet tooth, I prefer cane sugar, maple syrup, agave nectar, or honey over the other choices: beet sugar, high fructose corn syrup, and artificial sweeteners. Of the bunch, most Americans can find only honey and perhaps maple syrup sustainably and locally produced, but cane sugar is often the most versatile product for baking."
America Gets Its FixAn overwhelming percent of world sugar production occurs in Brazil and India, but if you are an American, your sugar fix is likely satisfied by U.S. sugar, whether cane or beet. The U.S. has long had policies that limit sugar imports, keeping the U.S. price of sugar well above the world price -- often double or more. By setting a high tariff on all sugar imports over a set quota, the U.S. protects its own sugar industry (both cane sugar and beet sugar). Producers of high fructose corn syrup also support this system as it allows them to price their product below the cost of sugar, making it attractive as a cheaper alternative."