We ate Paleo for several years, and this past year we made switch over to Low Carb, High Fats way of eating. Reason; well it seems we were gaining weight eating the Paleo way, and now I better understand why. I was diagnosed with diabetes 2, and it scared me so I immediately went to the discipline of Keto diet for about 3 months with daily exercise to drop some pounds. After the Keto way of eating (yuck!) added the low carb, high fat way of eating. LCHF. Made no sense after years of hearing that cheeses, eggs, nuts, oils were fattening, it was not easy to erase the feeling and begin eating more of these food groups. Of course, doctor who diagnosed me had me on medication, Metformin. I attribute that towards the effort.
Yet my husband, who is not diabetic, in support of my disciplines and efforts was also losing weight, slowly, yet significantly. Both of us wish to keep the weight off.
There is no Sugar in our home. None, and no breads or crackers or the like. It took a few trials and errors, and with the glucose monitor, lots and lots of research into how to eat with diabetes ll, we learned what I could and could not eat. He pretty much sticks with my eating plan. He also walks with me as our exercise, we have step monitors to measure steps taken throughout the day.
I would like now to use this blog to save some of the recipes I continue to find.