
Showing posts with label walnuts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label walnuts. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Canada Food Guidelines and Chart - more my style

Posted at Multi-Care, a Canadian Food Chart is more to my style of eating - except the grains.  I am still hesitant about grains, although if I work out the Carbs, sometimes I can eat grains, not very often though.

What we can learn from Canada’s new food guidelines

Posted on Feb. 19, 2019 (0 comments)
Canada's new food guidelines recommend half your plate be devoted to fruits and vegetables. Photo courtesy Government of Canada.
Drink more water, eat more plants and cook more at home, says Canada.
Canada's new food guidelines have transformed from a food pyramid to an “eat well, live well” infographic, which takes a slightly different spin on our current USDA MyPlate recommendations.
Specific foods and serving sizes are no longer emphasized in the new guidelines. Instead, the goal is to continuously make healthy food decisions and lifestyle choices, such as being active and finding ways to reduce stress.
It is also how we eat that makes a difference. While we eat, we should be mindful and enjoy spending time with others. Eating is a time to be social and celebrate with friends and family.

What Canada recommends consuming less of

Extra emphasis is placed on limiting processed and prepackaged food items high in sugar, salt and saturated fat.
The new guidelines also consider health risks associated with higher alcohol intake. If we do consume alcohol, the guidelines recommend we drink alcoholic beverages in smaller amounts and less frequently.

Fruits and vegetables

Instead of fruits and vegetables being two separate food groups, they are now considered one and should take up half of our plate; high intakes are encouraged.
The Canadian plate has taken it one step further and no longer considers fruit and vegetable juices a serving. Instead, fresh, frozen and canned fruits and vegetables should be consumed to reach your allotted goal of at least five servings daily.
Variety and color is key when it comes to eating produce. Expand your palate by taste-testing new and uncommon items such as persimmon, dragon fruit, pumelo, Brussels sprouts or spaghetti squash.

Whole grains

This group is not any different than our current MyPlate standards in the United States. Canada’s new infographic just reminds us of all the whole grain options out there.
Experiment with different whole grains such as corn tortillas, wild rice, steel cut oatmeal, couscous or whole wheat pita bread.
If you are more accustomed to eating white (or refined) products, consider taking small steps forward by mixing white and brown rice or different pastas together.
If your favorite cereal is low in fiber, mix it with another cereal with at least six grams of fiber per serving.

Protein has expanded

Dairy foods, which include cheese, yogurt and milk, are now considered part of the protein group and are no longer in their own category. Moreover, emerging research is showing higher-fat dairy products are not harmful to our health, but may actually provide health benefits, so the type of dairy products we consume is not as much of a concern anymore.  
The new Canadian guidelines bring an emphasis on embracing many healthy options.  However, it is not as simple as swapping in one protein source for another. Each protein food is packed with a different set of nutrients. While eating animal-based protein provides all essential proteins in one punch, heart-healthy and plant-based proteins should also be consumed in high amounts. Again, this is where variety comes into play.
Reduce your carbon footprint and increase your health by eating beans such as navy, pinto, black, lima and cannellini, or peas. Add whole soy foods to the mix: edamame, tofu and tempeh, and any variety of nuts and seeds, such as almonds, walnuts, pepitas or sunflower seeds. Oh, and don’t forget about those delicious nut butters.
Add some flavorful spice combinations and the options are endless:
Looking for a quick and easy way to get more nutritious foods in and eat more plant-based, high-fiber and nutrient-dense meals? Roast three or four nights’ worth of vegetables and chickpeas with garlic, chili powder, coriander, onion and cumin for a taste of Mexican cuisine.
Feeling something different? Turn it into a Thai dish by mixing together basil, cumin, ginger, turmeric, curry powder and garlic. 
Want a more Mediterranean vibe? Add oregano, rosemary, bay leaves and basil with cloves, ginger and cardamom to your meals.
Add oregano and you're coming close to French, Middle Eastern or Cajun flavors.
Experiment with spices and make up your own recipes. Spices add antioxidants, nutrients and variety. Cooking is both an art and science — have fun with it.

Where the glass of milk was, water has taken over

Water is a necessity for life, and yet always seems to come in last when we talk about our favorite drinks. Water should be consumed the most, as emphasized in the Canadian food guidelines graphic.
This beverage not only hydrates our bodies, including our skin, but also provides no calories and is free. If you are bored with plain water, add different fruit, vegetables, spices and herb combinations or try sparkling water and unsweetened tea.
The USDA announced in December 2018 that our MyPlate recommendations will be revised again soon. It will be interesting to see how they align with the Canadian food guidelines.

Pumpkin Substitutes - some might work for us

Yet again, from Multi-Care recipes.  While I am not clear that I can actually have pumpkin, I have not yet experimented with pumpkin as replacement for other ingredients, we have some cans of pumpkin puree that I would like to experiment with a bit.  It was disappointing for me to learn pumpkin is not on my low carb, high fat foods list, (safe foods for me) and I am thinking the experiments might work towards my daily carb counts. 

Pumpkin, pumpkin, everywhere: Find healthy options amid the #PSL craze

Posted on Oct. 12, 2018 (0 comments)
Fall is here, which marks the return of the pumpkin spice latte — and all things pumpkin. Over the years, the amount of pumpkin spice products has greatly increased, giving people plenty of options for feeding their pumpkin cravings.
But how do we enjoy the sweet treats that come with the fall season while also sticking to our healthy eating goals?
We spoke to Erica Lewis, RD, CD, a wellness dietitian with the MultiCare Center for Healthy Living, to find out how we can get our pumpkin spice fix and still make healthy choices this fall.
Pumpkin in its natural form is a great addition to any healthy diet, Lewis says. Pumpkin pulp is an excellent source of vitamin A and fiber — one cup has about 7 grams of fiber, or about 25 percent of the daily recommended intake of fiber.
Vitamin A is important for overall growth and development, overall eye health, and it helps boost our immune system, which is more important than ever as we transition from fall to winter.
Fiber is what keeps us full longer and helps us maintain a healthy gastrointestinal tract, which reduces our risk for certain conditions, such as diverticulosis.
A quick, on-the-go snack that Lewis recommends all fall long? Pumpkin seeds.
“Pumpkin seeds are a wonderful, healthy, go-to snack that are a great source of fiber, healthy fat, protein and magnesium,” she says.
Magnesium is a mineral essential for metabolic functioning and healthy muscle and nerve function. It works with calcium to maintain bone health.
Roast pumpkin seeds and make a colorful fall trail mix with dried cranberries, pretzel sticks, and mini dark chocolate chips, Lewis suggests.
It’s important to read the labels on all foods we buy, but there are specific things to look for when buying pumpkin products. Lewis recommends limiting food products that list pumpkin as a “flavor,” “sauce” or “syrup,” and to focus on buying foods that have pumpkin in its natural form — generally listed as “pumpkin,” “pumpkin puree” or “pumpkin flakes.”
It can be hard to resist a pumpkin spice latte this time of year, but flavored coffee drinks can be deceivingly high in calories. Lewis has a few tips to help make your latte lighter.
“For a healthier version, ask for 1 percent milk instead of whole milk or experiment with almond milk,” she says. “Skip the whipped cream and go light on the pumpkin spice syrup. I can never get enough of cinnamon or nutmeg, so I always ask for a little extra on top for a more robust flavor.”
While we often see pumpkin used in sweet treats, Lewis loves to incorporate pumpkin into savory dishes as well.
“Pumpkin is a very versatile ingredient,” she says. “Experiment by replacing oil, butter or other fruit purees like banana or sweet potato with 100 percent pumpkin puree when you are cooking or baking.”
Add 1/4 cup to 1/2 cup pumpkin puree to your sloppy joes instead of the tomato sauce or ketchup your regular recipe asks for.
Try pumpkin ravioli or roast two pumpkin halves in your oven (stems, seeds and fibrous strands removed) with some olive oil and spices of your preference.
Pumpkin spice mix
1/4 cup ground cinnamon
2 Tbsp ground ginger
1 tsp ground cloves
2 tsp ground nutmeg
1 tsp allspice.
Use to spice up traditional sweet treats, or add to any recipe calling for pumpkin spice mix as directed.
Pumpkin spice overnight oats
1/2 cup plain oatmeal
1/4 cup plain pumpkin puree
1/2 tsp pumpkin pie spice mix
2 Tbsp finely chopped walnuts
1/2 cup milk (or milk alternative)
Mix oatmeal, pumpkin puree, spices, 1 Tbsp walnuts and milk in mason jar. Put in fridge for 2-3 hours or overnight. Just before serving, sprinkle the remaining 1 Tbsp of chopped walnuts on the top for a little added crunch.